Modum News

MODsense Release 03.09.2021

Written by Modum | 03/09/21 07:01

This release brings you more options for the battery saving mode, additional information on the analytics section of the dashboard and makes the mobile app a 'Gateway'. The 'Trial' environment option has also been removed.

Summary of changes

New battery saving mode for loggers: 'Gateway'. If loggers are used in combination with gateways, the new logger battery saving mode 'Gateway' should be selected under 'Recording Profile' > Edit/Add > 'Advanced Settings' > 'Logger Battery'. With this setting, the logger's battery life is 1.5 years and optimized for using in combination with our stationary gateways.

Analytics for recordings with deviations. Comparing the amount of recordings with/without deviations by month or over the last 12 months, is now very easy. This information can be found on the 'Overview' page > 'Analytics' section.

Mobile App as a Gateway.  A new 'Gateway' option has been added to the mobile app's navigation bar that allows users to do an intermediate readout (read) on loggers that are nearby – like a gateway (device) normally would.
*This feature can only be used with logger's with firmware 1.15 or newer.

The 'Trial' environment has been removed. The 'Trial' environment can no longer be accessed. Please contact support if you run into any issues.

Additional small improvements and bug fixes are also included.

Dashboard: 2.6.1
Backend: 5.5.0
Mobile App: 5.16.5
Desktop App: 1.11.00